Electrical Symbols Stickers (2.1)
Category: Productivity.
Price: $ 0.99
Rating: 1 (2 ratings)
Initial release: 2019-03-10, Last update: 6 years ago.

The best electrical symbol stickers!
Do you use electrical drawings a lot?
Do you know how to fix the plug?
This sticker pack is designed for all electrical engineers!
Share symbols, help others with their missing symbol.
Happy creating!
Release Notes (Version 2.1 @ 2019-03-10)
The first update contains a lot more symbols! (73 symbols)
Including: NTC resistor, PTC resistor, accu, accu2, amplifier inverter, amplifier, and port 2 input, and port 3 input, buzzer, capacitor electrolytic, capacitor horizontal, capacitor vertical, ceiling box, clock, diode black, diode white, exclusive not or port, exclusive or port, generator, heating element, hertz wave, horn vertical, horn, inventor, led, lightpoint, mass horizontal, mass vertical, memory with s dominant, motor windings star 2, motor windings star, motor windings, not and port 2, not or port, or port, photosensitive diode, photosensitive resistance, potentiometer, power plug, relais NC, relais NO, relais multiway, resistor, resistor2, signal lamp, speaker, switch NO spring-loaded, switch double exchange, switch double, switch exchange, switch multiway s, switch multiway, switch nc horizontal, switch nc vertical, switch no horizontal, switch no vertical, switch single, switch that remains, temprature meter, temprature sensitive resistor, temptrature meter, thyristor white, thyristor black, transistor, variable resistor, wall socket double earthorizontal, wall socket double, wall socket single earthorizontal, wall socket single, zenerdiode black, zenerdiode wite.