Wesley de Groot's Blog
Understanding reducers in Swift


Reducers are a powerful concept in Swift, allowing developers to transform sequences of values into a single result.
This technique is particularly useful when you need to perform operations like summing numbers, concatenating strings, or combining complex data structures.
In this blog post, we'll explore what reducers are, how they work, and some practical examples of their use in Swift.

What is a Reducer?

A reducer is a function that takes a sequence of values and combines them into a single value.
This is done by iteratively applying a closure that specifies how to combine each element of the sequence with an accumulating value.
The most common use of reducers in Swift is through the reduce function, which is available on all types that conform to the Sequence protocol.

The reduce Function

The reduce function in Swift is defined as follows:

func reduce<Result>(
    _ initialResult: Result,
    _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Self.Element) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result
  • initialResult: The initial value to start the accumulation.
  • nextPartialResult: A closure that combines the accumulating value with each element of the sequence.

Here's a simple example of using reduce to sum an array of numbers:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let sum = numbers.reduce(0) { $0 + $1 }
print(sum) // Outputs: 15

In this example, 0 is the initial value, and the closure { $0 + $1 } specifies that each element should be added to the accumulating value².

Practical Examples

  1. Summing Nested Values:
    Suppose you have an array of mailboxes, each containing a number of unread messages. You can use reduce to calculate the total number of unread messages:

    struct Mailbox {
        let unreadMessages: Int
    let mailboxes = [Mailbox(unreadMessages: 5), Mailbox(unreadMessages: 10), Mailbox(unreadMessages: 15)]
    let totalUnreadCount = mailboxes.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.unreadMessages }
    print(totalUnreadCount) // Outputs: 30
  2. Concatenating Strings:
    You can also use reduce to concatenate an array of strings into a single string:

    let words = ["Swift", "is", "awesome"]
    let sentence = words.reduce("") { $0 + " " + $1 }
    print(sentence) // Outputs: " Swift is awesome"
  3. Combining Complex Data Structures:
    For more complex data structures, reduce can be used to merge dictionaries:

    let dicts = [
        ["key1": "value1"],
        ["key2": "value2"],
        ["key3": "value3"]
    let combinedDict = dicts.reduce([:]) { $0.merging($1) { (current, _) in current } }
    print(combinedDict) // Outputs: ["key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"]

Key Differencesbetween reduce and map

  • Purpose:
    map: Transforms each element of a sequence into a new element.
    reduce: Combines all elements of a sequence into a single value.
  • Return Type:
    map: Returns a new array with the transformed elements.
    reduce: Returns a single value.
  • Usage:
    map: Useful when you need to apply the same operation to each element and get a new array.
    reduce: Useful when you need to summarize the elements into a single result.


Reducers are a versatile and powerful tool in Swift, enabling you to transform sequences into single values efficiently. Whether you're summing numbers, concatenating strings, or merging dictionaries, the reduce function provides a clean and expressive way to achieve your goals. By mastering reducers, you can write more concise and readable code, making your Swift programming even more effective³.

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