Simplifying multiplatform Colors
Sometimes you are building for multiple platforms and you want to use the same color across all of them.
This is where the Colors
package comes in handy.
It provides a set of predefined system colors that you can use in your SwiftUI projects.
To use the Colors
package in your project, add the following dependency to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", branch: "main")
Then, add Colors
as a dependency for your target:
targets: [
name: "YourTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Colors", package: "Colors")
Finally, import the Colors
module in your Swift files:
import Colors
Use the predefined colors in your SwiftUI views:
import SwiftUI
import Colors
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Hello, World!")
Text("Hello, World!")
Text("Hello, World!")
Text("Hello, World!")
Which colors are available?
Color | Light Mode | Dark Mode | (Original) Platforms |
.lightText | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | iOS |
.darkText | #000000ff | #000000ff | iOS |
.placeholderText | #3d3d42ff | #eaeaf4ff | iOS |
.label | #000000ff | #ffffffff | iOS, tvOS |
.secondaryLabel | #3d3d42ff | #eaeaf4ff | iOS, tvOS |
.tertiaryLabel | #3d3d42ff | #eaeaf4ff | iOS, tvOS |
.quaternaryLabel | #3d3d42ff | #eaeaf4ff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemBackground | #ffffffff | #000000ff | iOS |
.secondarySystemBackground | #f2f2f7ff | #1c1c1eff | iOS |
.tertiarySystemBackground | #ffffffff | #2b2b2dff | iOS |
.systemFill | #77777fff | #77777fff | iOS |
.secondarySystemFill | #77777fff | #77777fff | iOS |
.tertiarySystemFill | #75757fff | #75757fff | iOS |
.quaternarySystemFill | #72727fff | #75757fff | iOS |
.systemGroupedBackground | #f2f2f7ff | #000000ff | iOS |
.secondarySystemGroupedBackground | #1c1c1eff | #ffffffff | iOS |
.tertiarySystemGroupedBackground | #f2f2f7ff | #2b2b2dff | iOS |
.systemGray | #8e8e93ff | #8e8e93ff | iOS, tvOS, visionOS |
.systemGray2 | #adadb2ff | #636366ff | iOS, visionOS |
.systemGray3 | #c6c6ccff | #474749ff | iOS, visionOS |
.systemGray4 | #d1d1d6ff | #3a3a3dff | iOS, visionOS |
.systemGray5 | #e5e5eaff | #2b2b2dff | iOS, visionOS |
.systemGray6 | #f2f2f7ff | #1c1c1eff | iOS, visionOS |
.separator | #3d3d42ff | #545459ff | iOS, tvOS, visionOS |
.opaqueSeparator | #c6c6c6ff | #38383aff | iOS, tvOS |
.link | #007affff | #0a84ffff | iOS, tvOS, visionOS |
.systemBlue | #007affff | #0a84ffff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemCyan | #32ade6ff | #64d2ffff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemMint | #00c7beff | #63e6e2ff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemPurple | #af51ddff | #bf59f2ff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemGreen | #33c659ff | #30d159ff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemYellow | #ffcc00ff | #ffd60aff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemOrange | #ff9300ff | #ff9e0aff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemPink | #ff2d54ff | #ff385eff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemRed | #ff3a30ff | #ff443aff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemTeal | #59c6f9ff | #63d1ffff | iOS, tvOS, macOS |
.systemIndigo | #5956d6ff | #5e5be5ff | iOS, tvOS, macOS |
.scrubberTexturedBackground | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.textBackgroundColor | #ffffffff | #1e1e1eff | macOS |
.controlTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.quaternaryLabelColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.findHighlightColor | #ffff00ff | #ffff00ff | macOS |
.highlightColor | #ffffffff | #b5b5b5ff | macOS |
.shadowColor | #000000ff | #000000ff | macOS |
.windowFrameTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.windowBackgroundColor | #edededff | #333333ff | macOS |
.keyboardFocusIndicatorColor | #0066f4ff | #19a8ffff | macOS |
.separatorColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.selectedControlColor | #b2d6ffff | #3f638cff | macOS |
.controlBackgroundColor | #ffffffff | #1e1e1eff | macOS |
.secondaryLabelColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.tertiaryLabelColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.gridColor | #e5e5e5ff | #191919ff | macOS |
.alternateSelectedControlTextColor | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.unemphasizedSelectedContentBackgroundColor | #dbdbdbff | #444444ff | macOS |
.textColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.systemBrown | #a3845eff | #aa8e68ff | iOS |
.selectedContentBackgroundColor | #0063e0ff | #0059d1ff | macOS |
.selectedTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.labelColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.placeholderTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.unemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor | #dbdbdbff | #444444ff | macOS |
.disabledControlTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.headerTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.linkColor | #0068d8ff | #3f9bffff | macOS |
.selectedTextBackgroundColor | #b2d6ffff | #3f638cff | macOS |
.unemphasizedSelectedTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.controlColor | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.selectedControlTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.underPageBackgroundColor | #969696ff | #282828ff | macOS |
.selectedMenuItemTextColor | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | macOS |
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- It's a wrap (2024) • 30 minutes reading time.
- Snippet: @EnvironmentVariable • 1 minutes reading time.
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